I’ve always been a self-driven learner, but I’m starting to understand that there are limits to what I can learn on my own. As a teacher, I found myself working hard to establish a “community of learners” in my classroom. Now I’m finding myself at a crossroads where I could really benefit from a learning community of my own. Perhaps by laying out my ideas of interest here some potential mentor or peer group might find me.

My primary area of interest is in the application of technology to improve educational outcomes. I’ve taken a multi-disciplinary approach to building this expertise in both breadth and depth, building on my dual undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Psychology. My graduate work in Learning and Technology focused on the use of online discussion boards in mathematics and helped prepare me for the emergency learning transition of early 2020. Since then, I’ve developed an interest in the applications of machine learning to help induce positive structural changes in education.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing and the field of education stands to be dramatically changed as a result. The question is not if AI will be used in school, but rather when and how. The existence of applications like PhotoMath have already shifted the focus dialog in my math classes from “the result” to “the process”. Large Language Models such as ChatGPT will revolutionize the way we think about student writing the same way. Rather than such tools being banned from classes, schools should instead focus their efforts on making sure students are equipped to collaborate responsibly with AI models.

The field of education presents some unique challenges for AI. The haphazard implementation of AI could cause immense harm, so the first order of business is to develop systems of safeguards against misuse. While AI grows in power with massive data sets, schools have competing legal obligations to be met regarding data privacy, transparency and ethics. Schools will need to have traditional engineering methods in place to detect algorithmic biases with regard to legally protected statuses such as race or gender before they can reliably depend upon consumer AI solutions. Equity needs to be built into AI from the ground up.

One of the challenges posed by AI produced content is our inability to distinguish it from human produced content. Our best tool for detecting AI produced content is to train another AI to do the job for us. These adversarial agents complement each other when trained in parallel. As the AI classifier that detects whether or not an artifact is human produced gets better, it forces the content producing agent to behave more human-like. These two AIs are designed to compete with each other, but the feedback loop created when they interact together allows them both to learn more efficiently.

Applying AI in education is going to require a whole ecosystem of agents who compete or cooperate to provide checks and balances on the values we which to instill. The first step towards this is to looking at education through a lens of game theory that critically examines the reward structure of the school. The challenge is creating a set of macro-level rules for interactions between AI and human agents that promotes collaborative behavior across the system. We need to shift the discussion from “how do we prevent students using AI to cheat?” to “how do we align our assessment methods with actual student growth?”.

One of our highest priorities with AI should be the development of an AI learner advocate. Ideally, the system would allow students and parents to articulate their long-term personal learning goals through natural language in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and the AI would automatically configure itself as needed to monitor and advance those objectives. For example, an algorithm might be programmed to automatically alert teachers if they accidentally forget to include alt text in an assignment with visually impaired students in the class. It’s also important that students maintain a voice in the learning process, and AI may provide a powerful tool for students who have yet to learn how to self-advocate.

In the long term, AI could also provide considerable time savings to teachers by producing “just-in-time” lesson plans based on the available data. Writing lesson plans is a task that is often more tedious than it is difficult — assuming it’s not a direct copy of one from last semester. We’re reaching a point where AI can potentially automate the process of aligning experiences with instructional objectives, measuring progress relative to the course calendar, recommending accommodations based on IEPs, and formatting this data in a standardized template for administrators. This would free up more time for the teacher to spend customizing the learning experiences for their specific classes.

From a mathematical perspective, algorithmic lesson generation bears some key structural similarities to the “Many-Armed Bandit Problem” in probability theory. Consider the teacher like a gambler in a casino and the slot machines as various potential lessons that can be assigned to a student. The teacher wants to select the experience with the highest odds of paying-out for that student, but not every student will respond to that particular experience in same way. For a teacher to maximize the learning potential for all students, they must strike a balance between exploiting lessons that tended to work in the past with exploring new methods they have yet to try. The more information a teacher has about the student, the more reliably they’re able to predict what might work.

The fact that confidential health information about a student is often directly linked to academic accommodations presents a unique privacy problem for AI. In much the same way that Security needs to be applied across Development and Operations, so too must Accessibility be asserted across educational organizations. A substitute teacher doesn’t need to know every student’s complete medical history, but a classroom AI might be able provide them with the information that “students need a break” without revealing the fact that Johnny has ADD. There is a delicate balance to be made between controlling access to sensitive data on a need-to-know basis and using that data to provide teachers with actionable insights.

As a former teacher, the idea of a computer listening and watching everything I do in the classroom is terrifying. We cannot permit AI to become an electronic police force is schools. At the same time, I also know that the amount of data produced in a live class is more than any single person could analyze on their own. The subtle timing of a student’s confused facial expression can often speak volumes about that student’s understanding. I would not the least be surprised if an AI could even out perform me on this task, but also know there will always be an unavoidable risk that this AI might be wrong and cause irreparable harm. The tech industry mantra of “move fast and break things” is an inappropriate philosophy for schools.

Instead, education must adopt AI slowly and with confidence. Educational data must be treated with the same level of careful stewardship as healthcare data. Researchers need to gradually integrate AI through a series clinical trials and monitor the system as a whole for changes. Much like a teacher, AI needs to build a relationship of trust with all of the stakeholders in the environment. Students and parents need to know the AI is working for them and not against them. Teachers and administrators need to have the power to overrule AI assessments where appropriate.

I realize that these scenarios might seem like widely disconnected fields, but I’m finding that they have some common mathematical threads. I accepted a long time ago that I might spend a lifetime working on Millennial Problems I’ll probably never solve and instead try to focus on making progress in small steps. I’m working to further my knowledge of Category Theory because I’m finding the language of maps and objects to be extremely valuable in modeling complex systems. I feel there’s a deep connection between Complex Analysis, Linear Algebra, and Topology that I’m just shy of understanding. I’m also starting to realize a need for better Statistical tools, particularly in the properties of different Probability Distributions used for modeling risks.

I’m very much open to graduate level research opportunities in Mathematics or Computer Science that would advance my understanding of the topics described above. If you’re in a department working towards these high level goals and have an opening for a research assistant, please feel free to reach out to me through any of my social media profiles.

It’s only recently that I’ve starting embracing Satanism, but it’s precisely for that reason that I feel the need to write this. Satanic Ritual is traditionally a very private process unique to the individual practicing it. My Sol Invictus may not be representative of others, but that does not make it any less valid. At the same time, I can’t expect others to understand the impact of celebrating a holiday that I quite literally designed on my own. I hope that maybe by describing what Sol Invictus means to me that I can help others to be more inclusive of people like me during the holiday season.

To understand the role of Sol Invictus, it might be be helpful to first define “Satanic Ritual”. It’s most certainly not like what you see in the movies. In fact, much of Satanism is actually built around the symbolic opposite of these depictions. One of the defining characteristics of Satanists as a group is that we are fundamentally opposed to the idea of “blood sacrifice”. It’s why we’re drawn to the symbol of “the rebel” over “the lamb” in the first place. The purpose of a Satanic Ritual is consciously align the symbolism of one’s surroundings with ones that are needed to empower oneself toward self-actualization.

I hate Christmas.

As a result, I’ve intentionally constructed my Sol Invictus celebration to make it as emotional distant from Christmas as possible. The two holidays are inherently incompatible by design. I will never find joy in Christmas, only pain. Sol Invictus is about accepting that I feel this way for legitimate reasons and providing myself with the tools I need to overcome that adversity.

My first Sol Invictus as a Satanist was really about the act of setting aside time for myself to reflect on why I hated Christmas so badly. I tried to objectively describe which holiday symbols I hated “with a whole heart” and why. Once I had established a list of my intellectual enemies, I scoured the great depths of Wikipedia for symbols with which to destroy them. In the process, I somehow wound up with a page full of notes on the laws of thermodynamics.

Now that I’m coming full circle with the Satanic calendar, Sol Invictus has symbolically solidified it’s role as my Fire holiday. At first I was hesitant to use such a cliché, but the first step towards understanding Fire is that temperature is Transitive so I thought my symbols should be as well. The four elements align close enough with the four states of matter that I allowed myself to just roll with it. It’s hard to associate an emotion with Plasma, but Fire is alive and will consume anything in its path to stay that way. I can feel its Heat.

Perhaps it might help to place these holidays in Order with common symbolic associations:

  1. For the Spring Equinox, I celebrate “Hexennacht” which I associate with Earth and Hunger.
  2. For the Summer Solstice, I celebrate “Litha” which I associate with Water and Love.
  3. For the Fall Equinox, I celebrate “Halloween” which I associate with Wind and Fear.
  4. For the Winter Solstice, I celebrate “Sol Invictus” which I associate with Fire and Anger.

Somewhere in this mess of pagan mythology and pop culture references I recognized a pattern that had faced many times before. This was my “grief cycle”. It’s a never ending War that engages me in battle out of nowhere and demands emotional labor that I’m ill equipped to provide. To love someone is to fear losing them.

Sol Invictus is about leveraging my anger to fight my way out of negative feeling of guilt, shame, and self-doubt. It’s about providing myself space to meditate on the obstacles to my happiness and how best to destroy them through Knowledge. It’s a process of reflection to learn how I can leverage my survival instincts towards rational self-interests.

Maybe part of the miscommunication here is my anger gets perceived as unhappiness. Please don’t assume that’s the case. If anything, I’ve come to accept that I enjoy being angry sometimes. It helps me get Work done. I even find myself chasing the thrill of the fight for that “in the zone” feeling that accompanies it. Think of me like a big puppy with a lot of Energy. I’m happy to play with you, but “play” and “fight” are innately intertwined and I sometimes forget how sharp my fangs are.

How does one buy a gift for a puppy? Pursue the aisle for something cute and fluffy that fills your heart with joy? What kind of reaction do you expect to receive in response to this present? Very soon, that stuffed animal’s entrails will become its extrails. Will you scold the puppy for this? Or will you accept that it is in the puppy’s nature to rip out that squeaker as swiftly as possible?

In reality, my opposition to gifts probably is a minority opinion amongst Satanists. Arguably the LaVeyan philosophy is to test the sincerity of the giver’s altruism by accepting the gift without reciprocation. For me, this feels dishonest so I typically ask those around me to “not get me anything”. If I ask this of you, it’s because I care about you enough to tell you the truth. I’m the type of puppy that finds myself moping atop a pile of cotton balls and shredded cloth with eyes full of shame.

I literally have boxes full of Christmas presents I’ve been given in the past that have gone untouched for years. I should honestly just throw them away at this point but I don’t because of some irrational sense of guilt. Quite honestly, I’m tired of feeling that way and trying to learn how to say goodbye to things. Sol Invictus has become part of that process. I understand that some people take pleasure in gift giving at this time of year but it’s hard being asked for a list of things that I want while I’m simultaneously struggling to understand my own needs.

When you need something it doesn’t carry quite the same meaning as a gift. This is why you’re likely buy the puppy a toy rather than kibble in the first place, because the puppy needs to be fed anyway. In reality though, the toy is just filling a different kind of need. That puppy was going to destroy something one way or another, it was only a matter of “what” and “how”. You can’t take the Chaos out of the puppy, so you just do your best to redirect it with the toy. At that point, is the gift really a gift or is it an act of manipulation?

Is this how other people view Halloween candy? Let’s flip the script for a second and imagine an extreme version of Trick-or-Treating. Every year, the neighborhood bullies systematically test each house on the block for candy quality. If you fail to provide everyone with a suitable offering, then they TP your house every night until you move out. Since the demand for full-size chocolate bars has skyrocketed, so have the prices. Some of your neighbors are living off instant noodles all year round just to ensure they can afford enough Snickers to keep the peace.

If this were my only experience with Halloween, I’d probably hate it too. Instead, my version of Halloween is closer to a secular version of “Dia de los Muertos”. The candy is tool for symbolically externalizing my grieving process. It’s about remembering what brought joy to the people who are important to me. It’s about allowing myself space to hope that the werewolf knocking at the door might secretly be someone I love. I know that my dead grandmother is never coming to get these Werther’s, but maybe she might still manage to bring a moment of happiness to some random kid by proxy. The gift has already provided me with some small emotional fulfillment independently of the act of giving it away.

It’s not impossible for me to imagine a world where I’d be okay with “Sol Invictus Gifts”, but my experiences with “Christmas Gifts” are too similar to the extreme Trick-or-Treating described above. As a teenager, I wasn’t as open with my beliefs as I am now. Revealing myself as an atheist was often instant exile from a social clique. Every day from Thanksgiving to Christmas, I feel a needed to armor myself up for situations in which I might be “outed”. I lived in fear that I’d be put on the spot by receiving a gift from someone I’m not particularly close with. Do I lie to them with smile or tell them my honest beliefs? I feel more like I’m being tested for compliance than the beneficiary of an altruistic act. This is especially true when it happens at school or work.

One of my worst experiences was to being invited to a “Christmas Potluck” by a supervisor. When I tried to say I couldn’t make it, it got upgraded to a meeting and became mandatory. After forcing me to concede that I’d stay for the meeting but leave immediately after, they proceeded to ask me how I’d be contributing to the potluck. When you don’t give me the option to say “no”, that’s when it becomes oppressive. I’m not usually one to bite the hand that feeds me, but there are limits to what I’m willing to tolerate when cornered.

While we’re at it, can we stop the act of pretending to have a “Holiday Party” when it’s really a “Christmas Party”? You don’t get you use the general term when there’s only one being represented. Do people really think we won’t notice the lack of Hanukkah or Kwanza decorations at the event? I do. If you feel left out too, know that you have my sympathy and solidarity. One of the frustrating experiences for me a young atheist was that I never even had a symbol to be represented with around the holidays. I’m lucky that my real friends recognize this and point me towards “the Bah-Humbug Room”. Sol Invictus is all about empowering myself to reclaim the space that belongs to me. Every puppy deserves a play pen.

In summary, here’s what you should know about this hip new (old?) Satanic holiday called “Sol Invictus”:

  • My Sol Invictus is December 25th. Reclaiming this specific day is important to me personally, but other Satanists may have entirely different customs.
  • Rituals vary widely among Satanists, but we generally enjoy good food, good drink, and good company like anybody else. Acknowledging human nature is a common entry point to Satanism.
  • Understand that sometimes Satanists will need time alone to engage in self-reflection. It may be helpful to provide a quiet place for contemplation as needed.
  • Be conscious of power dynamics at school or work. Context can make a big difference in how holiday symbols are interpreted.
  • Provide a way to “opt out” of activities with minimal effort. The Satanist doesn’t owe you an explanation of their personal trauma.

As a bonus for reading this far, here’s a photo of me and my friend Dougal:

Selfie of the author and a Scottish terrier

Dougal understands that he might need to be separated from the mini-humans for safety’s sake but wants you to remember that puppies need attention too.

If you’re a Satanist here looking for advise on how to build your own holiday ritual, here are some of the resources I found helpful:

  • Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible. Whether you find yourself leaning towards The Church of Satan or The Satanic Temple, this feels like required reading. It’s important to understand the role this work played relative to the “Satanic Panic” of the 80s. Decide for yourself which ideas to keep and which to destroy.
  • bell hooks, All About Love. In order to look at LaVey objectively, I found myself routinely comparing him with hooks. They present dramatically different perspectives on life but share a common philosophy of self-love.
  • Shiva Honey, The Devil’s Tome. This was a convenient resource for designing my own rituals. Having a basic framework in place for the holiday allowed me to focus on how to make it work for me.
  • Ernestine Hayes, The Tao of Raven. In my quest to celebrate the sun, it would be remiss of me not to mention the inspiration I found in Raven. Here I learned how I could be devious and practical at the same time.
  • Shannon Lee, Be Water, My Friend. It’s impossible to understand Fire without also understanding its relation to Water. Lee provides many practical examples of using self-affirmations to reach one’s objectives.
  • Pull from whatever sources you enjoy! My holidays would up being influenced by Donnie Darko, Wandavision and Final Fantasy. The benefit to having your own symbols is that you get to decide what they mean.

Ave Sol Invictus! And Happy Holidays to all!

Student: “Hey Mr. Ruff, do you know a _______ Ruff?”
Me: “Uhh… Yeah…”
Student: “Hehehehe… That’s his brother.”
(10 minutes later)
Student: “Hey Mr. Ruff, do you still live on __________ Drive?”
Me: “Can we please get back to work on our geometry?”

Look kids, I get it. You’re growing up in an era where you have a massive amount of information at your finger tips.

I decided to leave the title and text above exactly intact as I had originally written on April 27, 2018. I’ve had some difficulty coming back to this because my little brother passed away four days later due to sudden heart failure. It’s now four years later and I’m still trying to reassemble the pieces of my broken heart. My therapist warned me that I couldn’t write my way out of depression, but it feels important for me to finish what I started here.

I’m not even sure where I was going with this in the first place. I think I just wanted to vent about the incident but couldn’t figure out how to do so without doxxing anyone. It’s not like I didn’t know this information was out there. I couldn’t be angry at this student for looking me up in publicly available records, but I also couldn’t help feeling vulnerable either.

The reality is that my digital footprint is massive. I’ve had a presence on the Internet since I was a teenager and you can still find some of that content if you know where to look. Some of that content is downright awesome! You’ll find teenage me engaging in philosophical discussions on artificial intelligence and building interactive websites. At the same time, there’s little doubt in my mind that you’ll also find me saying naïve or prejudiced things that I’m most certainly NOT proud of. This is the double-edged sword of participating in open forums.

There was much less risk of exposure when I was young and anonymous. Now that my digital footprints can be traced back to my real identity, there’s a strong sense of fear and anxiety that looms behind every word. Who is going to see this? How will they judge me for it?

Having quit my teaching job at the end of the 2020-2021 school year, my concerns about this have somewhat shifted towards “employability”. When I read this tweet from The National Cybersecurity Alliance saying that “70% of job recruiters rejected candidates based on information they found online”, I can’t help but wonder if that’s actively happening to me. If so, how would I even know?

I’m not the type of person to put up a façade. I will speak my mind to a fault. I call bullshit when I see it and try to own up to my mistakes. I’m proud of who I am. I fight fiercely for what I think is right.

The truth is that these very same qualities that I view as my strengths could be easily be flagged as “risks” by potential employers. I’ve made my peace with the fact that I’m a threat to any organization that’s not conducting its business ethically. There’s solace in knowing that those aren’t the types of the company I’d work for anyway, but I only have this choice because I come from a position of privilege to start with.

We’re entering a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” era in social media. Having no online presence at all looks suspicious, but oversharing is also a considerable liability. People need to be held accountable for what they say online, but a moment of being human captured on the Internet shouldn’t permanently disqualify one from earning a living wage.

It’s not unreasonable for an employer to conduct research on prospective employees, but there is a strong need for for transparency in how that data is collected and used. The United States is in desperate need of privacy regulations in human resources. If something in my digital footprint is used against me in the hiring process, I should have the right to know what and how.

Lately I’ve been paralyzed by fear whenever I post something online. When you’re uncertain how your words will be interpreted, it’s quite easy to file it away under drafts but the silence is not sustainable. I need that sense of community now more than ever.

I’m going to try to start writing again and more frequently. Even if it scares me. Even if it feels forced. I can’t help if a potential employer stumbles across my digital footsteps, but I can assert control over the direction those steps are taking. Blogging can only work as a tool for self-growth if I accept the risks of making a mistake in public and write anyway.

Back in March, I wrote an article entitled Choosing whiteness in which I reflected on ways in which a family myth of Native American ancestry influenced my early conceptions of race. Since then, I started doing research into this myth through Ancestry.com, including a DNA test. I can now say that have substantial evidence indicating that I am not, in fact, Native American. I sincerely apologize for any harm I may have caused by falsely identifying as such.

It turns out that my darker skinned ancestor likely had a hereditary condition called “hemochromatosis” — a genetic marker I share with them. A build up of iron caused by this condition causes the skin to take a bronze/gray color which would explain why this particular ancestor looks so different from the rest of the family in old photos. Photographic technology has a well established bias towards lighter skin. This is probably how the family myth came into being.

I can’t undo the harm I’ve caused by perpetuating this myth, but what I can do is share the truth as I now know it. I’ve cross-referenced my genealogy research with Native Land. What follows is the history of the lands stolen by my ancestors (to the best of my knowledge):

My earliest white ancestors mostly immigrated from England in the late 1700s. They usurped the lands of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians , Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee), Mohawk, and Omàmìwininìwag (Algonquin). Through the early 1800s, many of them migrated west through the lands of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee), Anishinabewaki ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ, Attiwonderonk (Neutral), Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and Mississauga, then eventually south through the lands of the Shoshone-Bannock. Others took a more south-western path, through lands of Mohican, 𐓏𐒰𐓓𐒰𐓓𐒷 𐒼𐓂𐓊𐒻 𐓆𐒻𐒿𐒷 𐓀𐒰^𐓓𐒰^(Osage), Chikashsha Yaki (Chickasaw), Cheyenne, and Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute). These two paths of white ancestors eventually converge, forcibly displacing the Eastern Shoshone and Goshute.

From here, my ancestors start to migrate to the southwest. They likely travelled south through lands of the Hopi, Pueblos, Western Apache, and Hohokam on their way towards the west coast. Eventually, they settle on land stolen from the Chumash, Tongva, and Kizh.

My parents are married on Wašišiw Ɂítdeh (Washoe) land and I’m eventually born on Fernandeño Tataviam land. I was raised on the land of the Cahuilla and now reside on Chesapeake land.

I don’t know what words to offer that would ever make up for the atrocities my ancestors were complicit in, but I hope that acknowledging these tribes and the lands that were taken from them is a step in the right direction.

This whole experience has challenged a lot of my preconceptions about the relationship between my DNA and “who I am”. I’m going to do what I can to continue unpacking my own baggage in the future.

[This blog-post was originally written as a sequence of Tweets, so please forgive me if comes off as awkwardly chunked.]

Last week, Stephen Colbert asked Bernie Sanders what could be done for Joe Biden to win over “Bernie Bros”. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but the thought of a Biden candidacy scares the hell out of me. I hope you’ll listen to why & consider that it’s “Not Me Us”.

I believe that the 2020 Election is going to be all-out “Information Cyber-Warfare”. Trump is a Compulsive Liar whose only hope of winning reelection rests in convincing the public that Biden is even less trustworthy than he is. Don’t underestimate his ability to do so.

Biden’s whole campaign rests on the premise that “Trump is worse”, but the greatest threat to the Biden campaign is going to be old video footage of Biden himself arguing against the positions he now claims to support. Biden has a “primary source” problem.

Consider this example. On Sunday, The New York Times runs a story about Tara Reade. There’s a bit that’s a little… contradictory. Well, maybe it’s best to just read it yourself.

Given that this sounds a little extreme, I try do the responsible thing and go looking for additional sources. I find over a dozen different videos of Biden touching little girls in ways that I could only characterize as sexual assault.

How am I supposed to argue that Trump’s “grab them by the pussy” comment is inappropriate while Biden stands accused of doing precisely that? Maybe Joe should start listening to himself. I believe Tara.


So when this Compulsive Liar starts accusing “Fake News” New York Time of covering up allegations of Biden sexually assaulting women, how am I supposed to argue otherwise against all this video evidence? The only weapon that works against liars is the truth.

If the Biden campaign really wants to beat Trump in November, the first result on a Google search for “Biden touching little girls” had damn well better be a formal apology, a personal commitment to engage in sexual misconduct awareness training, and a plan for accountability.

Instead of anything remotely resembling corrective action, the strategy appears to be an attempt to frame Tara Reade as Russian asset. I guess blaming Russia is the default response when Democrats have nothing else to go on.

I can’t talk about the DNC framing people as Russian assets without disclosing that I actively helped the Virginia Green Party get Dr. Jill Stein on the ballot in 2016. I ultimately voted for HRC (by a die roll) but can’t help notice the similarities in discourse.

I have no doubt that there are Russian bots that are attempting to interfere in our election. The question is if the intention is “dividing us up” or enabling a candidate that Trump thinks is “easier to beat”. Perhaps they succeeded at both.

The NLP and AI tech to do this is readily available, it’s just a matter of finding enough appropriate training data. What’s more likely? A huge data set of rational political discourse? Or a huge data set of aggressive Internet trolling? My guess would be the latter. Ya nyet Bot.

This real life Turing Test gets even more difficult when the Biden campaign is putting out troll bait campaign ads like this one. How do they expect to win over Sanders supports, many of whom identify as “socialists”, by lumping them in the same category as “plutocrats”?

Furthermore, this demonstrates a clear misunderstanding of what the word “socialist” even means. Without “socialist” institutions like the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, we can’t even have a “democratic” election during this pandemic. “Vote By Mail” is necessary to beat Trump.

Personally, I think the anti-Russia & anti-Socialist rhetoric is actually a disguise for anti-Atheism. It’s a relic of Cold War propaganda, just like how the phase “under God” was added to the Pledge. It explains why older and more religious voters leaned toward Biden.

Make no mistake, this idea that the DNC rigged the primary against younger voters is going to be a cornerstone of the Trump campaign. It would be unwise for the Biden campaign to blame the victims of this oppression rather than the policies that disenfranchise them.

This rigging arguement can potentially be dismantled by Biden campaign thru policy. By coming out in favor of approval voting, making election day a national holiday, and abolishing the electoral college, Biden could demonstrate solidarity with 3rd-party and independent voters.

Biden also demonstrates ageism with his proposal to lower the Medicare eligibility age to 60 and his continued support for ACA-like policies. Obamacare is essentially a tax on the youth that enables the healthcare system to continue profiting off the deaths of the old.

In response to COVID-19, Biden said he would “listen to the scientists” & “listen to the doctors”. Well Joe, I think the science is in and it says “Medicare for All” is NECESSARY to curb the devastation caused by pandemics like the one we’re presently facing.

If Bernie Sanders had been the nominee, we could point to his long history of supporting policies that would have minimized harm caused by the pandemic. The DNC sacrificed that argument by making Joe Biden the presumptive nominee on the basis of votes cast during the crisis.

There is ample evidence suggesting that our health care system is systematically disadvantaging Blacks, Indigenous and People of Color, who are literally dying of COVID-19 at disproportional rates due to man-made causes. Allowing this system to perpetuate itself is enabling systematic racism.

Biden’s campaign has an opportunity here to use “new evidence” from the outbreak as a justification for adding Medicare for All to his platform. In fact, he NEEDS TO if he wants to earn the trust of progressives. It’s a matter of life or death for some voters. Medicare for All Or Bust.

Likewise, I think it’s contradictory for Biden to say he’ll “listen to scientists” & not support an aggressive Green New Deal. The scientists are all saying that we need aggressive action NOW to preserve the continued habitability of our planet. There is No Planet B.

If I’m correct about the role disinformation will play in the 2020 election, this Compulsive Liar is going to double-down on every lie he’s ever told while simultaneously pointing out every inconsistency that Biden has ever engaged in. Complete with video evidence.

I’m not going to be able to argue that Biden didn’t do the things that he did. Instead, the only course of action left open to Biden is to openly acknowledge his own mistakes & run a campaign that depicts his ability to adapt to new information as a boon rather than a bane.

Come November, I plan to vote in such a way that I believe minimizes harm. However, it would be dangerous to presume that this necessarily dictates a vote for Joe Biden. I won’t say “Never Biden”, but there ARE reasons why I’m not a Democrat & it would be foolish to ignore them.

Don’t dare try to equate my involvement with the Green Party with support for Trump. You can’t use the “excluded middle” argument against a Compulsive Liar while Biden also has a tenuous relationship with the truth. His inconsistency makes me distrust him.

I’m not saying all this to help Trump & I don’t think anyone who read the whole thread could come to that conclusion. On the contrary, I’m saying all this precisely so that Joe Biden can understand what he’s up against & how to win the support of “socialists” like myself.

As one last point, I’d suggest that Joe Biden convincing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be his VP would assuage many of my fears about a potential Biden administration as a former Bernie Sanders supporter. AOC4VP!

IBM Data Science Professional Certificate Capstone


When I first connected to the Foursquare API, I did a test search around my current location (Portsmouth, VA) and found only a dismal selection of venues to look at. For my capstone project, I thought it might be interesting to see if I could use the Foursquare API to locate other Virginia cities with a similar Foursquare venue profile to found out what characteristics these cities share in common.

I think this information might be valuable to providers of APIs like Foursquare, because it would allow them to enact targeted plans to engage excluded communities and increase coverage of their app.

Data Sources

  • List of Virginia Cities from Wikipedia
  • Geolocation data scraped from Geonames.org
  • Foursquare API


I started by web-scraping a table of Virginia cities from Wikipedia. Next, I used the list of Virginia cities to look up corresponding zipcodes and geographic coordinates from Geonames.org. Once I had compiled a list of cities and zipcodes, I used the Foursquare API to search for venues near each location. Next, I had to clean up the data to remove duplicates of venues that were within the search radius of more than one city.

I started with a high level analysis using only the “Foursquare venue density” of each city. I divided the density into quartiles to visualize the results. This revealed some obvious trends related to population density, so I decided to further break down the data using a k-means clustering algorithm using the venue categories.


My initial cursory analysis looked only at the venue density near each city. Using a histogram of the venue density revealed that Portsmouth was actually had much higher venue density than I had originally thought (at 9.125 venues/zipcode). A significant number of Virginia cities had no Foursquare venues at all.

Number of cites by approximate Foursquare venue density

To get a rough idea of where these low and high density areas were, I color coded each city by quartile.

VA Cities by Foursquare Density Quartile

To get a better idea of what venues were present in each location, I used a kmeans clustering algorithm to identify cities with similar types of venues. These algorithm produced the following clusters:

Cluster #1 contained the cities of Chester Gap and Ferrum. This cluster scored high in venues identified by ‘Sandwich Place’ and ‘Trail’.

Cluster #2 contained the cities of Penhook, Greenway, Great Falls, West Mclean, and Culpeper. This cluster scored high in venues identified by ‘Garden Center’, ‘Home Service’, and ‘Park’.

Cluster #3 contained only the city of Fort Monroe and was identified based on ‘Beach’ venues.

Cluster #4 contained the majority of Virginia Cities. This includes: Marshall, Suffolk, Emporia, Elliston, Colonial Beach, Colonial Height, Martinsville, Vienna, Burke, Centreville, Hampton, Danville, Newport News, Virginia State University, Rocky Mount, Williamsburg, Reston, Poquoson, Mount Vernon, Vinton, Lorton, Lexington, Dunn Loring, Radford, Fairfax, Salem, Waynesboro, Norton, Buena Vista, Lynchburg, Staunton, Chesapeake, Annandale, Henrico, Winchester, Manassas, Fairfax Station, Virginia Beach, Roanoke, Covington, Portsmouth, Fredericksburg, Newington, Fort Eustis, Herndon, Chantilly, Hopewell, Springfield, Charlottesville, Bristol, Fort Belvoir, Falls Church, Richmond, Clifton, Norfolk, Alexandria, Harrisonburg, Mc Lean, and Merrifield. These cities were characterized by having a high diversity of Foursquare venue types.

Cluster #5 contained Virginia cities with no Foursquare venues at all. This includes: Wirtz, Warsaw, Franklin, Galax, Glade Hill, Haynesville, Henry, Village, Farnham, Oakton, Catawba, Callaway, Randolph, Redwood, Sharps, Boones Mill, Bent Mountain, Union Hall, Petersburg, and Waterford.

These clusters produced the following map:

Virginia Cities by Foursquare Venue Type Cluster

The source code used in this analysis can be found on GitHub:



This map showed several similarities with the venue density map, implying that the number of venues was a very strong factor in the clustering. Foursquare seems to have a very limited venue selection outside of major cities and urban areas.

The rural cities primarily had venues related to natural attractions (parks, trails and beaches). This pattern suggests that Foursquare might be able to improve its coverage of Virginia cities through advertising targeted at outdoor activities. Partnering with companies like REI or Bass Pro for incentives to increase the Foursquare user-base could potentially draw in users from under represented Virginia cities.


Overall, the results of this analysis were very much in line with what one would expect based on population. Cities with high populations had higher rates of Foursquare usage, and thus more venues to work with. Foursquare would need to make a substantial effort to draw in users from rural areas to increase coverage in Virginia. A more detailed analysis should try to control for factors like population and demographic information to rule these out as intermediate factors before attempting to identify patterns in venue types.

It had been years since I’d been in a live chat on Twitter (I miss you #mathchat!), but I decided that this year I was going to participate in the #ClearTheAir Spring Semester. Live chats can be intimidating. It literally took me 30 minutes to tweet a response to the first question! I panicked when I saw that I was already 15 minutes late to the second question:

ACTUAL Q: What does it mean to choose Whiteness? In what ways did your family choose it? What do you think was lost? How does Whiteness impact your life? What do you notice about it now that you didn’t before? 2/ #ClearTheAir— ClearTheAirEdu (@ClearTheAirEdu) January 9, 2020

I hastily assembled a response that, looking back, is shallow and deflects from the real question. This tweet had triggered defense mechanisms I’m only recently coming to terms with. I didn’t perceive myself as choosing whiteness, and I’m only now realizing that the fact that I didn’t need to choose whiteness in order to reap its rewards is the very definition of white privilege.

When the chat returned to this topic the following week, a thread caught my attention with the following tweet:

I think I’m trying to figure out what “woman of color” means. @ClearTheAirEdu talked about closure. I want it. some definition when I’m between languages, between latinx countries, between Americanness, lighter on one side of the family and dark on the other, like the moon.— dulce-marie is still angry. (@DulceFlecha) January 16, 2020

Even now, this tweet conjures all sorts of emotions I’m not sure how to process. They seem to stem from a childhood memory, which I believe was from my 5th grade class. We were given an assignment to learn about our heritage and bring in a food that representative of that culture with the class.

I go home and tell my parents about the assignment. My dad identified himself as mostly German with a little bit of Swedish. My mom identified herself as mostly Yugoslavian with a little bit of Native American (Note: these statements are problematic on many levels, but this is about how I understood it at the time). I asked my mom if there was some kind of Yugoslavian food I could bring in. She pauses in thought for a moment, then says that it would be a lot of work and suggests that I bring something German instead. We head to the grocery store for a loaf of pumpernickel bread and some butter. It’s my first taste of “German food”, so I was kind of excited about it.

The day of our multicultural potluck, I present my story to the class and pass out my slices of pumpernickel. As I do so, I hear someone whispering something. I only make out one word, but that one word is enough to make me feel dizzy:


Did I really hear that? Did someone really say that? How could someone possibly come to that conclusion based on me being German? I tried as best as a kid could to put these thoughts out of my mind, but no 10 year old is really equipped to handle that level of guilt.

I think this is the origin for many of the defense mechanisms that would eventually develop into my own white fragility. I might even go so far as to say this was my childhood model for race in general. My dad’s side of the family was obviously “white”, but my mom’s side of the family was “less white”. What really drove this idea home was the fact that I started to see the difference within my own family.

My dad had three children from a previous marriage, and there were noticeable differences in skin tone between them and myself. They were “white”; I was “tan”. When they stayed out in the sun too long they turned “red”; when I stayed out in the sun too long I turned “brown”. My full-brother’s skin was like mine, so it was clearly linked through our mother. Even if my mom’s story about our Native American heritage was true, I knew that it was only a tiny amount. I didn’t even know how I’d begin to verify the story, but it explained an observable phenomena in my immediate family so I didn’t have any reason not to believe it.

I knew better than to try and identify myself as “Native American”, but it made me question where to drawn the line between “white” and “not white”. I came to the conclusion that the distinction was bogus and refused to make a choice at all. In reality, distancing myself from whiteness was just a defense mechanism to avoid a collection of painful memories.

When I think about “choosing whiteness”, I think I have to break it down specifically in the context of my family. Looking back, I chose to identify with my mom along multiple vectors. My mom and I were the left-handed liberals while my dad is a right-handed conservative. Since I associated my dad with both “white” and “male”, I thought perhaps it might be helpful for me to look at how I chose to incorporate the latter into my identity. I’m not sure of the exact moment, but know there was a distinct shift in my thinking about gender sometime in my teens.

Growing up, I rejected a lot of things that would be considered traditionally masculine. I spent more time playing with “My Little Pony” than “G.I. Joe”. I prefer musicals to football. However, I didn’t really distance myself from the word “male” the same way I did with the word “white”. I think this was made possible because I had strong feminist role models who taught me to look critically at gender. By “choosing male”, I accepted the fact that I was a male and that being one gave me privileges. Rather than distancing myself from the word “male”, I owned it. I acknowledged that “men” had a history of doing terrible things and that I would take it as a personal responsibility to challenge those statistics and disrupt the patriarchy however I could.

If “choosing white” were to be the analogue of this notion for race, I think the turning point for me reading Chris Emdin’s “For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood… and the Rest of Y’all Too”. By even purchasing this book, I had acknowledged that I was “white folk” and that I needed help understanding how to “teach in the hood”. In fact, this gives me an approximate date for “choosing whiteness”: November 14th, 2016. I think this his the first time I sincerely applied the label “white” to myself and acknowledged the social implications thereof.

Just reading wasn’t enough though, and what really drove this idea home for me was Emdin’s “homework”. He had challenged me to step out of my comfort zone to visit a Black barbershop and a Black church. Something about being the only white person in a “Black space” really puts one’s whiteness into perspective. The barbershop has become a routine occurrence now. I’m still processing the experience of visiting a Black church; I’ve never felt so simultaneously out of place and welcomed at the same time.

Coming to terms with what it meant to be white was only the beginning. Emdin also made me reassess significant aspects of my sense of self-identify by using the word “neoindigenous” to describe students. He had instilled this idea that the classroom didn’t belong to me, but my students. It forced me to take a hard look at what it really meant to be “Indigenous” and come to terms with the fact that I wasn’t.

Being Native American was never a matter of “blood” as I thought when I was young. It’s a matter of tribal membership, which I clearly do not meet the definition of. Even if my family story was true, I had long been socialized into the culture of the “Colonizers”. I have no right to call myself “Native American”. This concept that the relationship between Indigenous and colonialism was completely separate from “race” forced me come face-to-face with a very uncomfortable truths about my own heritage.

Even if my family story was true (and I have little evidence to back it up), it implies that my white ancestors traveled across the country during the western expansion. These white ancestors most likely came into contact with my supposed Native American ancestors somewhere around present day Idaho. Their decedents most likely traveled south through Utah and Arizona to end up in California, while gradually assimilating into white society.

Here’s the part that I struggle with. In order for this Native American ancestry to be true, it also implies that my white ancestors were complicit in the colonization and genocide of the Indigenous people. This is a heavy burden to bear, knowing that some of my ancestors may have committed one of the greatest atrocities in American history against the Indigenous people who may also be my ancestors. I feel like my very DNA is filled with violent contradictions. Maybe that’s what it really means to “choose whiteness”.

During the #ClearTheAir Zoom with Paul Gorski, he made a remark about “embracing whiteness” being akin to “self-hate”. I felt a little uncomfortable about the statement until I started digging into the language a little deeper. First, I wasn’t trying to “embrace” whiteness. I was just trying to “understand” it and “accept” it. Second, it helped me recognize that the feelings I carried towards whiteness weren’t characterized by “hate”. I felt guilt, and I felt shame, but not “hate”.

To “choose whiteness”, for me, was to accept the all the moral contradictions in the last 200 millennia of human history. Not only am I likely to be a decedent of murderers, rapists, colonizers, slavers, and thieves, but I am also likely a decedent of their victims. I will not let the crimes of my ancestors define me, but I will acknowledge that their actions have left me a heavy burden to carry. I will prove myself better than them by fighting to undo the damage they have caused because that’s the kind of human I want to be.

I hope this answer finally does justice to the question that prompted it.

It seems strange to think that so many of my misconceptions about race could be tied back to a single childhood memory, but maybe that’s how this process of socialization works. I think I now have an obligation to find out how much of my family story is really true. I promise to continue digging and see what else I discover about myself.

I’d like to thank the following people who have both challenged me and given me inspiration on this journey (in no particular order):

It’s the last day of my summer break, so I thought I’d take some time to reflect on my live coding experiment.   After all, this was meant to be a learning experience and self-reflection is an integral part of the learning cycle.

How’d I do? 

I ended up streaming for approximately 16 hours over 8 different sessions.  I then edited the live footage down to about 95 minutes of time-lapsed video.   Truth be told, I had expected to stream more often but kind of got side-tracked after going to see the Overwatch League Grand Finals live in Brooklyn.  I know it might not seem relevant now, but I’ll come back to that in a bit.

Was it “fun”?

It had it’s fun moments, like hearing my first composition come together,  hearing my first randomized chord progressions, and remixing a recorded sample.  There were some moments of genuine excitement recorded here!  It’s amazing when things finally come together to produce something new and different.  However, there were also hours of work going into each of those moments.  Around this moment is where I realized that my “mathematical function” approach wasn’t going to be fast enough in Python to do what I wanted in real time.  I even ended up spending an entire episode just debugging my previous work.  I’m also still kind of uncomfortable with the whole camera situation, so I’m doing all this is a state of perpetual social anxiety.  That part of the experience was slightly less fun…  Overall, I’d say it was about 20%”fun” to 80% “work” and that’s probably what kept me from a more active streaming schedule.

What did I learn?

The first observation I made is that I have a lot of little sub-conscious behaviors I do when I’m deep in thought.   There were lots of “umm”s, whistling, tapping, and beard stroking that I didn’t really notice until I was going back through and editing the videos.  It makes me wonder how often I do these things in the classroom.  I’m pretty sure I’ve been called out on the beard stroking by students before — it helps me think!  I also found it difficult to narrate my thought processes while in this state.  It’s like I needed to separate the act of thinking about the code from the act of describing it verbally.

Math-wise, I discovered that I had a lot to learn about digital signal processing.  I had started exploring these sounds by thinking of them using real valued functions, but eventually learned that the floating point approximations I was actually using were introducing small rounding errors which quickly added up to audible artifacts.  Fixing that issue required me to be more aware of the differences between discrete and analog signals.  I started reading up on DSP in my off-stream time and am now starting to think that there are ways to dramatically simplify some of the things I was original trying to do.  It will probably be some time before that research pays off, but at least now I know where to look.

I also realized that the approach I took to generate my randomized chord progressions is actually a well established procedure called a Markov Chain.  This is one of the amazing things about studying math — you can independently come up with an idea on how to do something only to realize that someone else came up with the same idea a hundred years before you.  Like my DSP observation, this has opened my eyes towards mountains of existing research on this approach.

How will this impact my teaching?

I think this has given me some new respect for creative assignments.  I had been so focused on aligning assignments to standards that perhaps I underestimated the amount of connections between those standards and creative activities.  Furthermore, the announcement that Desmos will be available on the upcoming SOL tests has given me a solid reason to devote substantially more time to using it in class.   I want to make “Desmos artwork assignments” a regular occurrence over the upcoming year.  My hope is that I can construct the assignments in such a way that will generate authentic curiosity about the topics we’ll be learning about in Geometry in the same way that this project inspired me.

Where do I go from here?

I’m not going to abandon the project, but I think there’s some serious “re-conceptualizing” I need to do in order to continue.  Honestly, I wouldn’t want to watch me live code based on the present quality of my stream.   There’s just too much inactive time.  If I’m going to live stream, I want to do it in a way that’s more engaging.   To do so, I think I need to talk some cues from all the Overwatch streams I watched this summer.

I’ve been watching a great deal of Kabaji’s Twitch stream, and am thoroughly impressed by his ability to narrate what he’s doing and why throughout the stream.   Not only that, but he manages to be constantly engaging the members of Twitch chat between fights.   I think those are the two things that I need to work on to make this “LiveCode” more successful in the long run.

First, I think I need to rehearse what’s going to happen in the stream before going live.  This will let me cut down on the number of bugs that I need to track down, the time I spend reading documentation, and will allow me to put more focus on narrating as I code.  Alternatively, I could separate the coding and narration aspects into two different streams — one where I write the code and one where I “cast” over it with commentary later.

Second, I need to come up with a way to involve Twitch chat in the production process.  I’ve already done a bit of research in this direction, and think it’s possible for me to connect my Python session to Twitch chat server.  This would help me from getting tunnel vision and I could use data from the chat to influence the music production.

Despite these goals, the new school year is starting soon and that means a lot less time for a side project like this.  If I do continue these live streams, it will probably be a much sparser schedule than I tried to do in July.  Follow me on Twitch for notifications when I go live!

What’s this math teacher going to do to keep busy during summer break? Get back to my coding roots! That’s what!


Over the course of the summer I’m going to experiment with writing music using Python and broadcast the whole adventure live on Twitch!


In the “evenings”, starting around 7pm EDT.  As often as I’m able to. Follow me on Twitch for notifications or watch for updates on Twitter.  If you miss out on the live coding, don’t worry!  I’ll also be editing and uploading “abridged” versions to YouTube.


Because I think it will be fun!  And there’s math!  It’s fun with math!

As a teacher, I want get better at encouraging students to “play with math”.  However, over the course of the school year I’ve spent so much time trying to prepare students for SOL tests that I’ve forgotten what that looks like.   The only solution I could think of is for me to “play with math” again, and this is my way of doing that.

But why Python?

Several reasons actually.  First, it’s relatively easy to read.  Second, it’s been growing in popularity as a platform for scientific computing.   Third, I’m terrible at it.

Yes. That’s right.  I’m terrible at it.

I’m not exactly a Python “noob”, but it’s been about a decade since I’ve used it for anything and that was relatively simple scripting.  That’s part of the adventure here!   I’m going to make mistakes, spend hours debugging, and be knee deep in technical documentation.  Furthermore, every stupid mistake is going to be broadcast live on the Internet.  But you know what?  I’m okay with that.  It’s part of the learning process and unavoidable when “playing with math”.


You want to follow along and experiment on your own?  Great!

I’m using Anaconda to manage my Python installation.   In addition to that, I also installed the sounddevice library by using the pip command from an Anaconda shell. Everything after that is all done live!  After each live code sessions, an updated source code file will be posted on GitHub.

Video Archive

After each session, I’ve been going back through the recording and editing to speed up through the boring parts.  The resulting “timelapse” videos are being posted to my YouTube channel.




No, this isn’t a raven and writing desk riddle.   Teachers and game developers have more in common than you might think!

You need to assume that any instructions you give will be promptly ignored

The classroom is like a giant sandbox game.  You need to think of every conceivable action that might be taken by the player/student and ensure there are some appropriate consequences in place.  Preferably realistic ones too. You could go with the insta-death lava to restrict movement if you want, but expect some angry phone calls from parents.

For every hour you spend planning you wish you had three

Seriously.  The difference between a well planned project/lesson is night and day.   Unfortunately, I don’t think my principal will go for the 1:1 class period to prep period schedule…

For every hour you spend working, you spend another hour documenting what you did

It’s called CYA: Cover. Your. WE DON’T SAY THAT AT SCHOOL!

Would it be out of line for me to start tracking student behaviors in Bugzilla?

You refer to 60+ hour work weeks as “normal”

Veterans of the video game industry are no strangers to “crunch time”.   It’s the unavoidable time period before the end of a project where “get it out the door” fever starts to set in.  The title ships, you briefly reflect on what worked and what didn’t, then the next project starts and before you know it you’re back in “crunch” mode.  Teachers refer to this cycle as “a school day”.

There’s a ton of little things you’d like to fix, you just don’t have the time

These are things that were probably noticed by some highly caffeinated tester in a poorly lit basement somewhere, added to the bug database, and ultimately stamped with those three fateful letters: WNF.  Will. Not. Fix.  “Yes, there’s a typo in question 4.  GET OVER IT.”