Guild Wars 2: Mesmer Sharper Images Analysis

This weekend marks the 3rd Beta World Event for Guild Wars 2. I wrote a little bit about my general experiences in the first BWE, but this time I’m focusing on a very specific area of the game. In the first BWE, I was just playing the game and having fun with it. In the second BWE, I started to do a lot more “testing”. In particular, one of the things I was testing was the “Sharper Images” trait.

Sharper Images (SI) is a Dueling trait that causes critical hits from Illusions to inflict bleeding for 5 seconds. This trait was bugged in the first BW1 and didn’t work at all. In the second BWE1, it worked as described but a second phantasm trait called “Phantasmal Haste” was bugged resulting in some crazy damage output. This means that I didn’t get a very good perspective on how these two traits would work together, but that’s okay because I can do the math! In addition to seeing how the phantasm related traits would interact together, I also wanted to find out which stats to gear for in order to maximize my damage. In order to do this, we first need some information about how damage is calculated in GW2. Assuming a level 80 character:

  • Pandara_RA! at Team Legacy worked out the following formula for the base damage of an attack:

        \[Base Damage = \frac{(Power) \cdot (Weapon Damage) \cdot (Skill Coefficient)}{Target Armor}\]

  • The chance of getting a critical attack is determined by the Precision above the base:

        \[CritRate= \frac{4 + (Precision - Base)/21}{100}\]

  • When an attack criticals, it hits for 50% more damage plus any bonus to critical damage (Prowess). With this, we can find out the average damage of an attack using:

        \[Direct Damage = (Base Damage) \cdot (1+(Crit Rate) \cdot (0.5+\frac{Prowess}{100}))\]

  • The last piece of information we need is the bleeding damage, which is dependent on condition damage (Malice). According to the GW2 wiki this is determined by

        \[\frac{damage}{second} = 40+0.05 \cdot (Malice)\]

    . The bleed duration of 5 seconds can be improved through stats, but only pulses once per second. This means that we can round the duration down to find the number of pulses and find the total bleed damage:

        \[\frac{damage}{second} \cdot \lfloor duration \rfloor\]

To get a rough estimate of Phantasm DPS, I put these formulas together with some various equipment set-ups and trait choices. You can download this spreadsheet here. To make things simplier, I focused entirely on “Illusionary Duelist” with SI because I knew it hits 8 times every 10 seconds. I also had to make several assumptions about how certain traits would stack, and all of this is subject to change when the game is released anyway. Despite these shortcomings, I found several interesting results:

  • Without any bonus condition damage, SI can add about 10%-20% damage depending on the target’s armor (best against higher armor foes) when used in conjunction with Phantasmal Fury. This puts it on par with most damage traits at the adept level.
  • With a skill coefficient of about 0.5 (a total guess BTW), the direct damage builds and condition damage builds I tried seem to even out in terms of potential damage. A lower skill coefficient tends to favor condition damage and a higher one favors direct damage.
  • Chaotic Transference bonus seems lack-luster relative to the heavy investment.
  • Phantasmal Strength and Empowered Illusions complement each other well in a power Build, but the investment for Phantasmal Strength doesn’t seem worth it in a condition damage build.
  • Phantasmal Haste tends to work better with a condition damage build than a power build. You don’t need to hit hard with SI, you just need to hit often.
  • Investing 20 points into Domination can have a big effect on condition damage builds because it extends bleeds for an extra tick. This makes Lyssa’s Runes a potentially interesting choice with SI because of the +10% condition duration, allowing you to spend 10 of those points from Domination elsewhere with minimal DPS loss.
  • The Rampager jewelry seems to be a better choice than Rabid for a condition damage build with SI. There’s no point to having strong bleeds if you aren’t applying them frequently enough.

There’s still a lot more analysis to be done here and some empirical data to collect in BWE3 to verify these findings, but the results look promising. As it stands, you can make SI work in either a direct damage phantasm build or condition damage build with the appropriate gear. Small tweaks to the skill coefficient can keep the two builds competitive if necessary. This fits with Arena.Net’s philosophy of having multiple play-styles be equally viable.

I’d encourage you to try out the spreadsheet with other gear and build combinations that I didn’t try. If you’re feeling adventurous, you might even extend it to include skills other than iDuelist or other traits I may have overlooked. If you find out any more information about how phantasm damage is calculated I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

Happy theory-crafting!

Update: BWE3

I did a little testing during BWE3, regarding the attack rates and skill coefficients of the different phantasms. This information should help give an idea of how much each phantasm benefits from stacking Power vs stacking crit/condition damage for Sharper Images. Please note that my recharge times were approximated, and Sanek over at GW2Guru came up with somewhat different numbers. I’m including both my attack rates and his for comparison:

illusion Hits Recharge Attack Rate (hits/sec) Sanek’s Recharge Sanek’s Rate (Hit/sec) Approx. Skill Coef. DPS Coef. (Mine) DPS Coef. (Sanek)
iDuelist 8 10 0.8 7.5 1.066666667 0.228956229 0.183164983 0.244219978
iSwordsman 1 3 0.333333333 5.5 0.181818182 0.734006734 0.244668911 0.13345577
iWarlock 1 5 0.2 6 0.166666667 0.080808081 0.016161616 0.013468013
iBerserker 1 5 0.2 6 0.166666667 0.281144781 0.056228956 0.046857464
iMage 1 5 0.2 6.7 0.149253731 0.397306397 0.079461279 0.059299462
iDefender 1 3 0.333333333 4.5 0.222222222 0.131313131 0.043771044 0.029180696
iDisenchanter 1 3 0.333333333 4.5 0.222222222 0.131313131 0.043771044 0.029180696
iWarden 12 10 1.2 14 0.857142857 0.033670034 0.04040404 0.028860029
swordClone 3 3 1
staffClone 1 1 1
scepterClone 2 3 0.666666667
gsClone 3 2 1.5

Knowing that the skill coefficient for iDuelist is only 0.23, stacking for condition damage seems to be the best method to maximize damage over time with Sharper Images given a high enough crit rate to apply it consistently. As a general rule of thumb, if your crit rate is less than 50% then you should be gearing for power and if your crit rate is greater than 50% then you should be gearing for condition damage.

A few other interesting things to note:

  • iSwordsman has one of the best skill coefficients of any phantasm. If you’re not using Sharper Images and have Power oriented spec, you may want to try out the off-hand sword.
  • iWarlock’s DPS is pretty pitiful without conditions. I’m not sure what the bonus per condition is, but I’d recommend having two staff clones up with iWarlock since they have a much faster attack rate. Edit: 10% bonus per condition
  • iWarden has quick attack rate and is has an AoE attack, but remember that this Phantasm is stationary. You’re very unlikely to get all 12 hits against a real player.
  • iBerserker has slow recharge AoE attack that moves down a line. It might be possible to hit an opponent twice with this if they’re running in the same direction, but I can’t be sure about it.
  • The Greatsword clones have the fastest attack rate of any illusion according to my tests. It seems kind of odd that the best clone for Sharper Images would be on a weapon with no innate condition damage.
  • iMage has a high skill coefficient but low attack rate. At first glance, this looks like it would be better for a power build than condition build, but you should remember that he also applies Confusion on attack.
  • iMage and iDisenchanter have bouncing attacks that hit three targets: 1 enemy and 2 allies. I couldn’t seem to get it to hit the same enemy twice, but this is something to check for on release.
  • Keep in mind that my original spreadsheet assumes that you leave your Phantasms out all the time. As of BWE3, this is no longer the optimal play-style. If you decide to go with a Power build, you’ll probably get the best burst damage by using Mind Wrack right after your phanstasm’s first attack cylce. Likewise, Cry of Frustration can now dish out some major hurt if you’re built for condition damage.


  1. How do illusions get stats? Do they have our critical chance? I would be very interested in seeing how this works–if you know.

  2. They seem to copy most of our own stats when created, with the one notable exception being Vitality. Another consideration is that they don’t seem to benefit from most weapon sigils, but it’s possible that this could be fixed by release.

  3. With my brief testing, power did not seem to alter their damage by any reasonable amount. However, I could be wrong. I would love to see more information from Arena Net in areas like this. It seems like they can be quite vague with some of their wording.

  4. I’d be interested to hear further on this topic if you have continued your research into release. Perhaps some information regarding damage + bleed with a condition build with regards to out right damage that a power build + smaller condition bleeds. I currently have been working through a lot of builds, without any real mathematics going into the research, but I am finding that in general, Power build + bleed is higher damaging than Condition build + bleed

  5. @Gravyrobber
    How are you doing the tests? Keep in mind that Conditions go through Toughness, so the numbers are obviously smaller. Furthermore, you do damage from Power on top of Condition. So, all in all, you may see Condition damage being more relevant against more durable opponents.

    Anyhow, the biggest problem is that it is difficult to test Confusion damage. Monsters attack rather slowly and behave rather unpredictably, which makes getting an accurate gauge of damage on a human target difficult. (For the same reasons, Power is definitely stronger in PVE.)

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